Join Us!

Welcome to the Acupuncture Society of Virginia! We are a professional membership organization of Licensed Acupuncturists dedicated to promoting the practice of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our mission is to uphold high professional ethics and standards of care through legislation, education, research, and outreach. 

Your membership and support are vital to keeping acupuncture and East Asian Medicine a healthcare option for Virginia. Your membership also keep you connected with those around you who ultimately can help make your professional goals obtainable.

Join Now!

Why is it important to join ASVA?

    • Public Education: awareness is key to promoting the availability and coverage of acupuncture and its benefits. We reach out to potential patients, lawmakers, insurance companies, etc. to spread the word!
    • Opioid Treatment Strategies: our profession can directly impact the opioid epidemic in addressing both pain management and addiction care. Acupuncture is the top non-pharmacological choice!
    • Membership Benefits: growth and opportunity for your personal and professional life. ASVA offers a wide range of membership benefits that includes retailer discounts, access to publications, discounts on continuing education events, up-to-date job bulletins, membership directory for easy referrals, and more! 
    • Dry Needling: we need to continue to educate the public about the difference between Acupuncture and the limited technique referred to as Dry Needling.

These are all part of being an active member of ASVA! Ready to start making a difference?

Becoming and retaining your active membership with ASVA is vital to the growth of the profession in Virginia. It is the easiest way to be involved in your state’s professional association. Your membership allows ASVA to continue its mission to help support Licensed Acupuncturists in practice, and new to the State, so that they can provide the type of medicine they know to be necessary, safe, and effective.

How do we put your membership to use?

  • We monitor and participate in state legislative and regulatory activities. This includes reviewing scope of practice, state licensing requirements, and the ongoing topic of the practice of dry needling outside the acupuncture profession.
  • We build community within the acupuncture profession. We support other professional acupuncture associations like the ASA, ATCMA, and ANF. We also work with neighboring state associations and the local acupuncture schools to help strengthen our voice nationwide.
  • We keep you informed. ASVA provides regular updates and Calls-for-Action via newsletters, e-blasts, and social medial posts alerting you to new information and urgent actions requests that are important to your practice. Information about upcoming events, continuing education, and training opportunities are always forthcoming.

If you are looking to get more involved, there are a lot of ways to stay connected and increase your activity within ASVA. For example, you can volunteer for our mentorship program and community outreach events like Lobby Day, serve on the ASVA Board of Directors, and donate to support our legislative agendas.

Becoming an ASVA Member could not be easier! We have membership options for acupuncture students and licensed practitioners. Now is the time to join! It's only a click away.

Did you also know…

ASVA is frequently approached to help promote local educational events thereby bringing LIVE training seminars closer to you! Members receive discounts for all ASVA and affiliated state association events.

ASVA has Membership benefits to help increase practice success, provide educational information, and additional income resources such as teaching and job position postings.

Keep your finger on the pulse of the profession! You did the training! You have the passion and commitment to your patient! Now help strengthen and secure your future!  Join the Acupuncture Society of Virginia and start making a difference!


4445 Corporation Lane, Ste 264
Virginia Beach, VA 23462

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